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The story of the fallen (12th Dec 22 at 2:32am UTC)
The story of the fallen
Xue Ru slightly hesitated: "OK, just do as you say." The room was quiet and inexplicably depressed. At this time, the fungus people were busy rescuing the child, until they were sure that the child was gone, they told the candle moon. Gu Qingxuan's heart was already dead, and the candle moon blamed herself so much that it was useless to say more explanations to her. Two people are silent all night, the next day Gu Qingxuan returned to Shen Xing Dian, in the green brake under the careful care of recuperation for three days, the body gradually recovered. But three days later, when the green brake visited her again, he found that she had disappeared and hurried to find the candle moon to report. At the same moment, a demon soldier rushed to report that she was forced out of the palace. Candle Moon flew into a rage and was about to go after her when she met Xueru wandering outside the door. Didn't I say you couldn't come here without my permission? He said in a deep voice, looking very ugly. Xue Ru hurriedly stepped forward and said, "I have something urgent to find you, so I have to come here." "I'm not free now. Let's talk about it when I come back." Candle Moon passed by her with an iron face. What if this has something to do with Gu Qingxuan? Xueru immediately stopped him. After a pause at his feet, she continued, "I went to see my sister early this morning. She seemed to be holding something in her hand. She looked like she missed someone when she saw something." Candle month listens, the eye is narrow, turn round to ask: "What thing?" "It seems to be." It's a red feather. Xueru pretended to be as if something had happened. When the words fell, his palms tightened and he turned and walked toward the Hall of Sunken Stars. Candle Moon searched her room and finally locked on her bed. She lifted the pillow and looked at it. Sure enough, she found the feather under her pillow. Suddenly,Narrow aisle rack, she was filled with pain. The fungus man stood behind him. Seeing that he had not moved for a long time and did not speak, he could not help reminding him in a low voice: "Your honor, are we still chasing.." After a while, he turned around and said coldly, "No need." His heart is cold, but her heart is not on her own body, what is the use of chasing back. Pei Guogongfu, Mao Chan and Bai Li were surprised and delighted to see Gu Qingxuan suddenly come back. Elder Martial Sister,Pallet rack supplier, you are back. We worry about you every day. By the way, how did you come back? Did Candle Moon release you? The white carp hurriedly came forward and asked. Shaking her head, she managed to bend her lips and replied with a smile, "I escaped back." Then she said to Mao Chan, weak and weak, "My disciple is not filial. My master is worried about me." But seeing her face haggard and somewhat out of her mind, Mao Chan could not help worrying about her again and asked, "But what happened?"? Why do you look so bad? Gu Qingxuan did not want to explain anything, only said: "Nothing, just a little tired." Mao Chan saw that she didn't want to say anything, nor did she force him to ask. He nodded slightly and said, "It's good to come back. You can have a good rest these days. If you have anything, you can tell Shifu at any time. Maybe Shifu can help you." She nodded gently and suddenly asked, "Master, I want to go back to Qingzhou to visit my parents tomorrow, Narrow aisle rack ,heavy duty warehouse rack, but now Zhou Yaotian is the king, and Qingzhou area is under his control. I wonder if I can enter the city smoothly without a passage document." Mao Chan and the white carp looked at each other. Immediately, Mao Chan looked dignified and said, "You don't know that the new emperor began to send troops to Qingzhou not long after he ascended the throne, and Zhou Yaotian was prepared for this day.". The hearts of the people turned to him. He easily hoarded a large number of troops. In addition, he had the artifact Chengying Sword given to him by his teacher. Now he has exerted the magic power of Chengying Sword. As a result, the new emperor was defeated in only three days. Now, "he sighed lightly," it is the world of Dazhou now. " The words fell as if relieved. Gu Qingxuan was surprised when he heard this, and then he smiled with relief. At this moment, he only felt that his previous life was like a dream, and things had changed. Suddenly, the voice of a woman muttering to herself came from the corridor. She was stunned: "Chunfu?" At this time, the white carp looked nervous, just about to open his mouth to stop her, Mao Chan shook his head and gave her a wink, she immediately stopped talking. Gu Qingxuan walked to the corridor and saw a thin figure sitting on the ground in the distance. The afternoon sunshine shone on her face through the pale leaves of the green forest. Her cheeks, which had been soft and quiet, looked a little dim at the moment, which made her feel more and more nervous.
And her weak body is like a withered leaf, which will fall down when the wind blows gently. Chapter 83 like a lump in the throat. Like lead at her feet, she slowly stepped forward. When she got a closer look at Chunfu, she suddenly missed a beat and said, "Chunfu, what's wrong with you?" Chunfu gazed blankly ahead, holding a mass of empty swaddling clothes in her arms. She murmured to herself, "Liner, don't sleep. Today is your full moon. Your father will come to see you soon. When he comes, no one will dare to bully us any more." Then he hugged the cloth in his arms tightly, as if there was really a child sleeping peacefully inside. Gu Qingxuan felt uncomfortable. He crouched down and took her hand and asked, "What's wrong with you?"? What happened? You tell me quickly. Chunfu looked at her in a dull way. Then she tilted her head and asked strangely, "You are really good-looking. Are you also the new imperial concubine beside the king?" "What did you say?" With a bad feeling, Gu Qingxuan hurriedly said, "It's me. Don't you know me?" With a deep sigh, Mao Chan stepped forward and said, "It's no use. She's already crazy." What "What's the matter, master?" Gu Qingxuan looked incredulous and said, "I haven't seen you for only a few months. How could a good person become like this?" With a deep sigh once again, Mao Chan said slowly, "It's really unfortunate to say that Chunfu is a girl. After she left the palace, she found out that she was pregnant for two months. Although the child was Yin Hai, in the final analysis, it was also her own flesh and blood. So she insisted on giving birth.". And after Zhou Yaotian proclaimed himself emperor, he strictly ordered the eradication of the remnants of the rebellion. In this way, together with her child who had just given birth, she was strangled in the cradle. She could not stand the blow and went mad at the moment. "What?!" Gu Qingxuan startled, the body a stagger,warehouse rack manufacturer, nearly fell to the ground. Like Chunfu, she had just lost a child, and the heartache was so great that only she could feel it. omracking.com
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